
Kustodiev – “Thunderstorm”

The life of Boris Kustodiev was not easy: a serious illness and subsequent spinal cord surgery confined him to a wheelchair. The artist spent about fifteen years in a wheelchair, suffering from constant pain. Perhaps that is why his paintings are imbued with the brightest and most joyful emotions. The Thunderstorm is no exception to […]


Kuindzhi – “North”

The painting “North” was painted by A. Kuindzhi in 1879. It is part of the great master’s series of northern landscapes. In the picture, the artist glorifies the harsh nature of the northern part of Russia. The viewer seems to be looking from a low hill. On the front canvas of the picture there are […]


Kuindzhi – “Rainbow”

Painting “Rainbow” – one of the most remarkable in the work of the late AI Kuindzhi. In the picture, work on which lasted five years (1900-1905), Kuindzhi captured the most spectacular, spectacular moment in nature – the moment when a rainbow flashed over the rain-washed earth in multicolored colors. The painting depicts an unremarkable area […]


Kuindzhi Arkhip – “Ladoga Lake”

Arkhip Kuindzhi spent the summer of 1872 on the island of Valaam. Deeply impressed by the beautiful nature of the island and lake, a year later he painted the painting “Lake Ladoga”. The landscape illustrates well the changes in the artist’s life: on the one hand, the realism of the image shows the author’s desire […]