
Kramskoy – “Unknown”

What is beauty, how beauty and morality correlate, how to merge ethical and aesthetic in art are the subject of constant reflections of Kramskoy. And it is in the context of these reflections that one can understand the meaning of both famous and mysterious “Unknown”. In the legacy of Kramskoy, “Unknown” was destined to become […]


Kramskoy – “Portrait of Vera Nikolaevna Tretyakova”

The portrait of Vera Nikolaevna Tretyakova is designed as a one-figure composition. Large format, full-length image of a model are traditional features of a ceremonial portrait. But Kramskoy sought to rethink the scheme of the ceremonial portrait, abandoning decorative effects, “posing, noise, shine”, which, according to the artist, was “the essence of the portraits required […]


Kramskoy Ivan – “Mermaids”

At the first traveling exhibition, which opened in 1871 in the halls of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, Kramskoy declared himself an original group of works, the center of which was the romantic canvas “Mermaids” on the plot of Gogol’s story “May Night” The painting was conceived in Ukraine, in the village of […]